Why You Feel Technology Will Change The Way Teachers Teach

EBONIIt is technology in its many forms that is driving innovation, changing the way that students think and, as a result, changing the way that teachers teach. But I doubt we will see a massive takeover of traditional schooling by a technology solution. Even if schools had the resources to implement this type of solution, there is currently little demand by schools, and most importantly, they lack the technical expertise to implement the solution. One major way that teaching has changed in the 21st century is that educators became facilitators of learning. In other words they help students discover knowledge on their own rather than simply importing it. This places students in a active role and keeps them engaged and interested in a world that is rapidly changing. Teachers are beginning to take a different approach to education in order to accommodate the needs of 21st century students. They’re putting encouraging students to use computers for research or work with their phones to grasp new concepts of learning instead of the teachers teaching their class the traditional way.

Chris Merkert, a teacher who has fully embraced this new approach to education, enjoys the fact that 21st century learning gives him the ability to focus on small groups of students as they work on computers or tablets.

“I’m no longer giving 40-minute lectures four times a day and wondering which class got the raw deal, or collecting and grading exams only to discover too late that they weren’t getting it,” Merkert told Education Week.

Clearly, technology isn’t just helping students evolve – it’s also changing the role of teachers in the classroom. 21st century teachers have mastered certain skills that educators in the past never even had to consider. So, how exactly is the 21st century teacher different? They have these important qualities: For Example;

teacher different? They have these important qualities:

While teachers have always needed to communicate with students, the way in which they do so has evolved over the last decade. Rather than standing in front of a classroom and talking about important concepts, they are now encouraging dialogue – allowing students to question what they are learning and to think critically. This new approach to communication stimulates more direct interaction with students.

– See more at: http://www.dreambox.com/blog/technology-changing-role-teachers#sthash.1rawpFo1.dpuf

Education Of Technology

education technology Education Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Educational Technology is used by leaders and educators in homes,schools(K-12 and higher education), business and other educational settings. Educational Technology relies on a board definite methodologies and techniques, skills assessments. There are several different discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and technical development of educational technology such as;